Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Just to let you all know that social networking has spread beyond the library and education realms, my friend has told me about a site that she has really become excited about. From their own welcome message:
DailyStrength.org is the largest, most comprehensive health network of people sharing their advice, treatment experiences, and support. Keep a wellness journal, read members’ stories, and chat with new friends. Come in and explore!

Users can join any of 500 different groups that offer mutual support for different illnesses and conditions. Members send each other cute animated hugs and virtual bouquets. Dealing with an illness or a serious diagnosis is hard, and ignorance of the condition is frightening. Support groups have always been a way to improve patients mood, attitude, and even health, but are usually only held about once a month.
Yes, Internet discussion lists have been around for more than 10 years, but check out this site. it is a more integrated, easy to use and spiffy looking Web2.o application.

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